The state of Oregon adopted social studies standards for kindergartners requiring that children understand their identity groups and identify examples of racial injustice.
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) adopted the new standards to integrate ethnic studies in social studies curricula for kindergarten through 12th grade, adding new “perspectives and histories” to enable students to “feel welcome and recognized in the classroom and a part of our collective narrative, our shared history,” an ODE spokesman informed Fox News Digital.
Kindergartners will “engage in respectful dialogue with classmates to define diversity comparing and contrasting visible and invisible similarities and differences,” according to the new standards.

Kindergartners will also learn to “develop an understanding of one’s own identity groups including, but not limited to, race, gender, family, ethnicity, culture, religion, and ability,” and “make connections identifying similarities and differences including race, ethnicity, culture, disability, and gender between self and others,” according to the new standards. The standards also require kindergartners to “identify examples of unfairness or injustice towards individuals or groups and the ‘change-makers,’ who worked to make the world better,” as well as “identify possible solutions to injustices that demonstrate fairness and empathy.” The standards were flagged Sunday by Persuasion contributor Zaid Jilani.

The new standards were adopted last March and are currently optional and will not be mandated in schools until the 2026-2027 school year.
According to the new standards, first graders will learn to “describe how individual and group characteristics are used to divide, unite, and categorize racial, ethnic, and social groups,” according to the new standards. Second graders will learn how to “use listening, consensus-building, and voting procedures to decide on and take informed action to interrupt injustice or promote justice in their community.” Third graders will learn how to “identify how systems of power, including white supremacy, institutional racism, racial hierarchy, and oppression affect the perspectives of different individuals and groups when examining an event, issue, or problem with an emphasis on multiple perspectives.”
An ODE spokesman specified in a statement to Fox News Digital that local school boards adopt a curriculum to meet state standards set forth by the department and that Critical Race Theory “is not mandated in any standards.”

“However, it is clear that racial equity be addressed to support every learner,” the spokesman stated. “We know there are long-standing inequities in our systems that have led to gaps in outcomes for students of color. We do emphasize culturally responsive professional learning and an inclusive curriculum that is reflective of all communities in our state. There is both an intellectual and ethical basis for centering equity in professional learning and instructional materials, primarily so ODE can meet its responsibility to create the conditions in which every student can reach their full potential.
“There is a long and painful history of racial bias in education,” he continued. “Students are ready for systems and institutions to change. Creating a just and equitable learning environment that embraces the history and experiences of its learners is not only good for students, but also for our communities and our shared future.”
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There are no inequalities of races, only what the left and Black propaganda states. If everyone treats their race as a personal problem then it can be handled at a local town or school level. We don't need to be rioting in the thousands for one incident that may or may have not even happened. Many blacks now get more rights than when the slavers had power in the 1900s. Can't these so-called black leaders solve a simple problem in their own town without lumping in one white class of criminal? Biden is the biggest closet Bigot that ever was so was President Johnson. They both had friendships with the KKK and still do. The Democrats have always supported slavery and hide the fact by tearing down their own Democratic Generals who also owned slaves. Why cant this world deal with real crime? The crime of false propaganda has driven many wars to further a war agenda, as the Democrats always make good use of a created crisis and even start the Propaganda machine known as the Main Stream Media to do their work for a New World Order. Can't anyone see behind the curtain of who is actually in charge of the puppet President? Look at the damage that this administration is doing to the social network of all people that was great until Obama the great divider came along with all his aniy-Christ agendas to destroy all religion. They are operating under the orders of the Military Industrial complex made up of every Billionaire that are bringing in Genocide against humanity on the excuse of helping humanity? They are intentionally depopulating the world one skin color at a time but really want all of us under the NWO dictatorship that will enslave all People everywhere. Look at your own surroundings and make a decision on racial inequalities and you will not see any, but will listen to government and the wealthy Black leaders who got wealthy on the back of Black Communities, my god people, why are you killing each other? why has the BLM not helped one dollar to the down graded black communities instead of enriching one black criminal? Look at all the mansions the black Lives Matter has owned, isn't that enough to show you who the New Black criminals are, they didn't use BLM for raising the Black communities, thy raised the BLM for their own lust of money over the suffering of your own people. And what about all the Black drug dealers and Pimps, are they raising your best interests or advancing the New Black slavery Market. People will sell out their own mother if it made them millions, and the Democrats had a voice of Truth by what Johnson said about "he will have those N&$#ers voting Democrats for the next 200 years" I give FACTS not what I heard by third parties, I was a teenafger when he said it and heard it with my own ears. so don't tell me anything about White Supremacy I am 67 and lost most of my pride in America from all these Criminals in Office and them being white and black proves that they are Wealthy White Globalists in whatever color, Obama was a Drug using queer that started this bullshit and is a White Supremacist under his skin, and because he was half black proves that slave owners don't have slaves on a field working for food anymore, they have mansions and have their slaves begging for someone to keep them as slaves for free crap. If you fall for anything these Politicians and Marxists have to tell you, you have made yourself a slave to them, and it is all colors of skin they wish to enslave and now KILL with Genocide jabs that will kill them within ten years to depopulate the world so the Elite have more for themselves until they find they ran of slaves and start eating themselves.